Wifebiz for your Lifebiz

Tis the season for errands galore but who has time to work, shop and cook?  Then there are the inevitable gift returns, holiday meals and care for children, pets and parents.  Calgon, take me away! I don’t know what happened to Calgon, but in its stead, let Wifebiz offer you the support you need during the holidays and beyond. “What can Wifebiz do for me?” you ask. These days, who has time to cook nutritional meals? By the time you finish making a shopping list, grocery shopping looms, wedged between small grabs at sanity like yoga or working out. What if someone could put it together for you?

As I perused the web looking for wifely material, I discovered that nutrition has come a long way from the 70’s. Give babyboomers props for surviving:

The Gallery of Regrettable Food
and from the Institute of Official Cheer we are reminded of some of the more psychologically compromising effects of interior design, correctly identified as Interior Desecration in this lovely site. I just can’t stop myself now, how about making a fashion statement? See what you missed? Is it any wonder we turned to drugs?

Wifebiz consultants offer value pack errand services but are not offering fashion consulting or interior decorating tips at this time. Take a moment and “like” Wifebiz on Facebook. And consider giving yourself or a loved one the gift with no calories, a gift that makes everyone’s life a little easier: Call or email Paloma or Amy at: 512-222-WIFE (9433) mail@wifebiz.com. You’ll be glad you did.

2 Replies to “Wifebiz for your Lifebiz”

  1. I am barely recovered from laughing my you-know-what off over the nutrition from the 70’s site. That is the most hilarious thing I’ve seen in ages. I encourage anyone reading the Weight Watcher cards to follow the links, too. There is abundant scathing humor by an inspired writer! Thanks!

    1. I really like Interior Desecrations in the Institute of Good Cheer and the old Sear’s Catalog on the 70’s a look back at Hell site. Funny stuff!

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